IP Nurse Call

IP Nurse Call System

Digimat IP Nurse Call Systems, has been designed and manufactured for the purpose of informing the personals working in hospitals, health care institutions and home cares of an a emergency situations immediately, shortening patient 's waiting for intervention period and responding to patient requests quickly.

Nurse Call Panel

It is the unit in the nurse’s room that responsible for displaying audiovisually all call situations made by the patients, and it has a custom software installed.

Room Control Unit

Digitouch OK-Y103
It is the unit that feeds and controls the Bedhead call unit, WC/ Bathroom call unit and the over-door warning lamp in the patient’s room. It has card reader and touch screen. It ensures routine room control and can initiate and terminate Emergency and Consultation Call.

Bedhead Call Unit

It is the unit mounted at the patient’s bed allowing him to call the nurse in case of emergency situation.


It is a device connected to the bedhead unit that the patient can use to call the nurse in case he could not reach the bedhead unit.

WC Call Unit

It is a corded device that used to initiate an emergency call from WC/ bathroom in patients’ rooms by pulling its cord handle. Because the device will be fixed on bathroom walls it designed not to be affected by wetness and humidity.

Door Lamp

It is a warning lamp mounted over the patient’s door which can be lit with different colors according to the call situation made from the patient’s room.

Hospital Call Center Server

It is the system control unit and the main server which connects all nurse call panels over the network. It serves as emergency code server as well.

Some of the standard reports presented are;
  • Nurse Call
  • Critical Conditions / Blue CODE
  • Code Status Statistics
  • Graphical Reports
  • Performance Report
  • Technical Problems Enumeration

Emergency Service Consultant Doctor Call Panel

It is a touch screen panel that enables the initiation of the call among the healthcare personnel as well as monitoring calls made by patients.


Mobile device to reach personnel in emergency code situations.

Pager Transmitter

Signaling devices used in case of emergency code calls to reach pager devices.