Hotel Call

Hotel Call

It is a system at the hotels that makes it easier to call the staff in case of need.

Hotel Call Panel

It is the unit that enables calls made from call buttons to be monitored by the personnel in charge. It can display simultaneously calls from 3 different addresses in an audiovisual way. Each display line has 3 digits. Communicate wirelessly with call buttons.

Emergency Call Unit

İt is a battery operated corded unit that sends emergency call information when the handle on the cord is pulled. When the battery is weak, it sends low battery warning to the call panel. When the call is made, it is confirmed by the led on the button. The button id can be changed from the panel as wanted. Communicates wirelessly with the call panel.

Address Module

Used for each room. It indicates the address of the call unit.

Data Distribution Module

Used for data transfer in case that the number of rooms on one floor exceeds 32 rooms. One for each floor or corridor.

Power Source

12VDC Power Supply can supply up to 32 rooms in one floor.